Alex Wong

Software Engineer
Based in New York City
Front End | Back End | Full Stack | Mobile Engineer
Contact me at ✉️
Check out my projects below

Typescript JavaScript React Flutter TypeScript Python Spring Boot Ruby on Rails Java Next.js Node.js


Here are my projects using various technlogies

About Alex

Software Engineer and Psychologist with biochemistry

Stony Brook University 2018
App Academy 2022
Pursuing Masters of Computer Science

I'm Alex Wong and I am a software engineer that develops fullstack web applications and mobile applications. Formerly a Software Engineer Apprentice (SEA) @ App Academy.

I have experience developing for a Software as a Service company where I designed and developed modules and content to incubate junior software engineers, catalyze productivity, and ensure code quality. Currently, I am working as a contracted software engineer developing digital solutions for a variety of clients.

From data visualizations to mobile applications to fullstack web applications, I have experience in a variety of technologies. Check out some of my projects below!

Technologies & Skills:

Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, Dart, Python, Java, HTML, CSS
Frameworks and Libraries: React (15-19), Next.js (12-14), Redux, Ruby on Rails, Flask, Node.js, Spring, Express, Flutter, TailwindCSS, Three.js
Databases and Cloud Services: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQL, NoSQL, GraphQL, AWS S3, AWS Lambda, GCP, Serverless
ORMs: Prisma, Sequelize, ActiveRecord, Hibernate
Development Tools & Methodologies: Git, Agile, Scrum, OOP, Unit Testing, Caching, Mobile Development, Web Development, Version Control, SEO, Cookies
Testing and Debugging: Jest, Playwright, RSpec, Postman, Jasmine, Playwright
Design & UI/UX Tools: Figma, Wireframes, UX/UI, SASS
Build Tools: Webpack, NPM, Yarn, ES5, ES6, jQuery

